Don't Be Fooled by the Average Pest Control Company: Uncovering the Rodent Control Conspiracy

When dealing with mice rats in your home, the last thing you need is to be taken advantage of by pest control companies more interested in their bottom line than your wellbeing. At ZeroPest Australia, we aim to expose the common tactics used by these companies and offer you a genuinely effective alternative.


The Rodent Control Conspiracy

Many pest control companies have a dirty little secret: they don't really want to eliminate your rodent problems. Instead, they prefer to offer seasonal treatments, ensuring they have a steady stream of repeat business. Each visit costs you significantly, while you still live with the nuisance and potential health risks posed by these pests.


The Seasonal Service Cycle

Here's how the typical pest control cycle works:

  1. Initial Treatment: The company conducts an initial extermination, which only temporarily reduces the rodent population.
  2. Short-Lived Relief: You experience a brief period of relief, mistakenly believing the problem is solved.
  3. Reinfestation: The rodents return, often in greater numbers, leading you to call the company again.
  4. Repeat Charges: The company comes back for another round, charging you each time.

This cycle keeps you in a loop of constant, costly treatments without ever addressing the root cause of the infestation.


ZeroPest Australia: A Different, Lasting Approach

At ZeroPest Australia, we are committed to breaking this cycle. Our goal is to provide a permanent solution to your rodent problems, ensuring your home is truly pest-free. Here's how we do it:


Comprehensive Investigation and Treatment

  1. Extensive Inspection: Our highly trained technicians conduct a thorough investigation of your home, examining every inch of your roof void in detail tracking their paths, eating, and nesting areas.  Our technician upon treatment completion, will also conduct a detail external investigation of your roof, photographing and detailing every mouse and rat entry point, allowing you to have them blocked over post fourteen day of initial extermination.
  2. Targeted Baiting: Unlike other companies that haphazardly through baits up in your roof, we carefully place bait boxes, not traps, into the areas of high activity as revealed by our roof void tracking process, this ensures the fastest and highest levels of successful extermination. 


External Entry Point Identification

  1. Photographic Evidence: We document all external entry points with photographs, ensuring that these can be effectively blocked to prevent future infestations.
  2. Delayed Blocking: We wait for 14 days before blocking these points, allowing any Mice and Rats in the roof to exit the home without dying inside.
  3. Detailed Report: We provide you with a detailed report and photos of all identified mice entry points, explaining what needs to be done to secure them.


Follow-Up and Guarantee

  1. Optional Blocking Service: At time of treatment, we offer an additional service to block all identified internal mice entry points. This service entails locating mice entry points within the dwelling, once identified your Zeropest technician will safely insert baits into these holes usually within the wall cavity, then block them over with the appropriate material, preventing the mice from having the ability to run around your home. Once completed, and unrivalled Lifetime Mouse Free Guarantee applies.
  2. At conclusion of your Rat extermination treatment, your Zeropest technician, documents all external entry points with photographs, ensuring that these can be effectively blocked to prevent future infestations, our office will upon request, provide you with a quotation to return post 14 days of initial treatment, subject to your approval.  Once completed, and unrivalled Lifetime Rat Free Guarantee applies.
  3. Continuous Support: Our team is always ready to assist you, ensuring that your home remains rodent-free in the long term.


Take Control with ZeroPest Australia


Don't settle for the industry norm of second-rate, temporary solutions. At ZeroPest Australia, we believe in providing the best possible treatment, ensuring that Mice and rats are eliminated from your home once and for all.

When you choose ZeroPest Australia, you are choosing a partner dedicated to your long-term peace of mind. Our comprehensive, effective, and safe rodent control services are just a phone call away. Take control of your pest control needs today and say goodbye to mice and rats for good.

Firstly upon attendance we listen to you & your description of what activity you are experiencing and where throughout the home, naturally taking notes of your comments for future internal roof void & dwelling inspection reference.

Next we TRACK your mice or rats getting down and dirty entering & inspecting every corner of your roof void ( yes, not just sticking our head into your manhole ) looking for signs of droppings to firstly identify your rodent type, mice or rats along with dirty rub marks created by repeated rodent route activity, nesting area's, socializing areas, signs of damaged to timbers, electrical cables, cooling / heating ducting, water pipes and the like.

In yet another industry first, naturally we don't expect you to go into your roof void and check what's going on up there so we take pictures so that we can show you the evidence of what type of rodent you have and what they have been up to and what your technician has discovered. 

This approach to investigation allows your technician to place baits ( Bait Stations - NOT traps ) at the most active zones maximizing speedy bait ingestion and extermination, NOT like the others who just through some baits around or spray dangerous poisons in a scatter gun approach.

We note that your Zeropest technician will NEVER THROW, use LOOSE BAITS or spray dangerous powder poisons in your roof void.  

Zeropest never do this due to it being unsafe and also because your roof void is contaminated with pollutants, dust and the like which is not conducive to the mice or rats wanting to eat the bait.

Also rodents are very curious and the stations will entice them to enter and eat the poison baits as quickly as possible.

As it is unsafe we also do NOT spray DANGEROUS powder poison into your roof or walls as it may find its way into your home through ceiling vents and light fittings endangering your family below.

And no,  the mice or rats won't die in your roof, due to our scientifically proven SPECIALIZED BAIT & TREATMENT PROCESS.

Upon identifying that you have rats or mice we will use a combination of specialized soft and or hard baits depending on types of external foods that the rats or mice are currently eating. Sometimes they can be precious depending on available food sources they have such as Figs, snails, stone fruits, lemons, chilies, eggs, dog food, chicken feed, rabbit feed, bird feed, stored pantry goods and the like. 

Next on average we will prepare and install 6 - 7 rodent bait stations containing  approximately 90 - 105 baits depending on your infestation size and type.

This is on average 4 - 5 times more than other companies because we want to completely exterminate the entire rodent population, better to be sure so as to achieve quicker complete results!

Depending on the construction of the home and type of rodent such as mice we may also install children and pet safe tamper-proof bait stations internally in key area's and wall voids and throughout the rodent identified zones of the home keeping you all safe. 

Your technician is not only a pest technician, he has received extensive training for years as an entry point specialist technician unlike other companies to detect all of your pest entry points.

Your mice or rat pest control pest control technician will next conduct our Photographic internal and external entry point investigation covering area’s such as the roof ( Tiles, decking, flashing's, ridge caps ) eaves, walls, all internal area's of roof void, sub-floor, garage, door clearances, weep holes, pipe service penetration’s, cupboards, cabinets, behind fridges and dishwashers, tree’s and fence lines to name a few.

For Rats and Mice the external entry points or holes must be and are left open for a period of  7 - 14 days allowing the Mice Or Rats to depart your roof void and walls. This ensures they can successfully leave your home & die far away keeping your family and pets 100% safe. The identified and required blocking preventing a re-infestation can then be completed either by yourself or a handyperson, we will assist you with what needs to be completed by supplying photographs and written documentation.  

As a result of this scientifically proven process we will determine & photographically identify where your mice or rats are entering your home. Mice and rats do have slightly different behavior patterns and as result enter the home in differing ways and locations.

Inspection and treatment will on average take approximately 1 - 1.5 hours to complete. 

Upon your rodent treatment your technician will direct on site, email or text all entry point photographs to you.

All details of your rodent treatment will be noted on your email receipt sent from site including treatment description, all entry points as identified, required works to be completed and general notes on how to block entry points.   This will allow you, your partner, friend or local handy man to block the entry points as required.   

Just let your rat exterminator know and he will supply a quotation for your approval within 48 hours of your initial treatment, this will give you lots of time to obtain other quotations and think about it and your options prior to our recommended blocking time usually 14 days after successful extermination.

There isn't one company in Australia that is as confident as Zeropest Australia in the service they provide to offer you these guarantees.

#Please note # Mice activity post extermination, by way of chewing there way into the dwelling, through plaster walls, floor boards and skirting boards, is not covered by any warranties or guarantees, as it is out of our control.

This also applies to being unable to block over entry points internal or external due to building type.

We are the best rat exterminator in Melbourne

Also don't forget to see what our previous customers are raving about, DON'T just take our word for it! 


Your technician also has at his disposal state of the art equipment such as the latest FLIR E53 Thermal Imaging Camera with MSX® that is capable of identifying Rats & Rat nests in roof voids and walls!


A Rat nest in roof void insulation using the latest FLIR E53 Thermal Imaging Camera with MSX®

A Rat in roof void hiding using the latest FLIR E53 Thermal Imaging Camera with MSX®


Secure your appointment today, Bookings 1800 38 66 55