Mouse Extermintator in Melbourne

Mouse Exterminator in Melbourne

Mice Exterminator in Melbourne, VIC

The thought of mice in your home is not a welcome one for most people, and if you suspect that mice could be dwelling within your property, calling Zeropest’s mice exterminator in Melbourne is your first step to making your home pest-free.

At Zeropests, we specialise in removing unwanted pests from your home, including our mice control in Melbourne.

Mice Inspection: How Can You Tell You Have Mice in Your Home?

Mice are nocturnal creatures, which means they usually keep most of their activity for the night. For this reason, you may not actually see mice in your home, but there is often plenty of evidence if they are living within your four walls. If you do see a mouse, it could tell you that there are a lot of them, as mice tend to stay hidden from view.

Signs that show mice could be living in your home include:

  • Scratching noises, especially at night. You could be lying in bed and wondering what that noise is, especially if it is a quick scurrying sound. They can often be heard within the walls, under the floorboards, in loft areas or basements.
  • Mice create and leave many droppings, and this can be a sure sign that you have a rodent problem. If you suspect mice, look in areas such as cupboards for droppings.
  • A nasty aroma. The urine of a mouse can be strong and unpleasant. If you notice a lingering, unpleasant smell, call in a mouse exterminator in Melbourne to inspect for mice in your home and treat the problem, if necessary.
  • Grease marks: rodents have greasy and dirty fur, and this can leave marks on your walls or skirting boards.

Mice can also cause a problem in the external areas of your home, such as a garden shed, garage or bin area. As they spread disease, it is important to get rid of them if you spot any of the tell-tale signs. Many of the signs can also be confused with a rat infestation, but no matter which type of rodent seems to be in your home, it is important to eradicate them from it.

When you call Zeropest, we will come into your home and inspect it to determine what the pests are and how they are entering. Once we have done this, we can put measures in place to treat the problem. Get the best pest removal service in Melbourne.

We also use blocking measures to stop mice from re-entering your home once they have been exterminated so that you do not have to call out pest control again, and you can feel comfortable and content in your home.

Mice Control in Melbourne: Our Work is Guaranteed

If you are looking for mice control and mice treatment in Melbourne, make sure you choose Zeropests for a service that you can rely on and guaranteed work. Once the mice have been removed from your property, you do not want them back, which is why we also put preventative measures in place.

As part of our service, we give you a plan that blocks the entryways to your home. When you do this work, we guarantee that mice will not return for five years. If you engage us to block the entryways to your home, we give you a lifetime guarantee, giving you complete peace of mind.

Call us today or fill our online form, and we will soon remove the mice from your home. Get the best rat pest control team in the business on it!

We cover all of Melbourne from central Melbourne to South East Melbourne for pest control services.

We are the best mouse exterminator in Melbourne!

Don't Be Fooled by the Average Pest Control Company: Uncovering the Rodent Control Conspiracy When dealing with mice rats in your home, the last thing you need is to be taken advantage of by pest control companies more interested in their bottom line than your wellbeing. At ZeroPest Australia, we aim to expose the common tactics used by these companies and offer you a genuinely effective alternative. The Rodent Control Conspiracy Many pest control companies have a dirty little secret: they don't really want to eliminate your rodent problems. Instead, they prefer to offer seasonal treatments, ensuring they have a steady stream of repeat business. Each visit costs you significantly, while you still live with the nuisance and potential health risks posed by these pests. The Seasonal Service Cycle Here's how the typical pest control cycle works: 1. Initial Treatment: The company conducts an initial extermination, which only temporarily reduces the rodent population. 2. Short-Lived Relief: You experience a brief period of relief, mistakenly believing the problem is solved. 3. Reinfestation: The rodents return, often in greater numbers, leading you to call the company again. 4. Repeat Charges: The company comes back for another round, charging you each time. This cycle keeps you in a loop of constant, costly treatments without ever addressing the root cause of the infestation. ZeroPest Australia: A Different, Lasting Approach At ZeroPest Australia, we are committed to breaking this cycle. Our goal is to provide a permanent solution to your rodent problems, ensuring your home is truly pest-free. Here's how we do it: Comprehensive Investigation and Treatment 1. Extensive Inspection: Our highly trained technicians conduct a thorough investigation of your home, examining every inch of your roof void in detail tracking their paths, eating, and nesting areas. Our technician upon treatment completion, will also conduct a detail external investigation of your roof, photographing and detailing every mouse and rat entry point, allowing you to have them blocked over post fourteen day of initial extermination. 2. Targeted Baiting: Unlike other companies that haphazardly through baits up in your roof, we carefully place bait boxes, not traps, into the areas of high activity as revealed by our roof void tracking process, this ensures the fastest and highest levels of successful extermination. External Entry Point Identification 1. Photographic Evidence: We document all external entry points with photographs, ensuring that these can be effectively blocked to prevent future infestations. 2. Delayed Blocking: We wait for 14 days before blocking these points, allowing any Mice and Rats in the roof to exit the home without dying inside. 3. Detailed Report: We provide you with a detailed report and photos of all identified mice entry points, explaining what needs to be done to secure them. Follow-Up and Guarantee 1. Optional Blocking Service: At time of treatment, we offer an additional service to block all identified internal mice entry points. This service entails locating mice entry points within the dwelling, once identified your Zeropest technician will safely insert baits into these holes usually within the wall cavity, then block them over with the appropriate material, preventing the mice from having the ability to run around your home. Once completed, and unrivalled Lifetime Mouse Free Guarantee applies, #Please note # Mice activity post extermination, by way of chewing there way into the dwelling, through plaster walls, floor boards and skirting boards, is not covered by any warranties or guarantees, as it is out of our control. This also applies to being unable to block over entry points internal or external due to building type.  2. At conclusion of your Rat extermination treatment, your Zeropest technician, documents all external entry points with photographs, ensuring that these can be effectively blocked to prevent future infestations, our office will upon request, provide you with a quotation to return post 14 days of initial treatment, subject to your approval. Once completed, and unrivalled Lifetime Rat Free Guarantee applies. 3. Continuous Support: Our team is always ready to assist you, ensuring that your home remains rodent-free in the long term. Take Control with ZeroPest Australia Don't settle for the industry norm of second-rate, temporary solutions. At ZeroPest Australia, we believe in providing the best possible treatment, ensuring that Mice are eliminated from your home once and for all. When you choose ZeroPest Australia, you are choosing a partner dedicated to your long-term peace of mind. Our comprehensive, effective, and safe rodent control services are just a phone call away. Take control of your pest control needs today and say goodbye to mice and rats for good. Secure your appointment today, Bookings 1800 38 66 55

Contact Details

Phone: 1800 38 66 55
email: [email protected]
24/7 Emergency After Hours Service: 1800 38 66 55

Hours Of Operation:

Monday – Friday: 7.00 am – 11.00pm
Saturday: 7.00 am – 11.00 pm
Sunday: 9 am – 5.00pm